Articles | Volume 1, issue 1
19 Sep 2007
 | 19 Sep 2007

Hydrologic balance estimation using GIS in Korinthia prefecture, Greece

K. Voudouris, Th. Mavrommatis, and A. Antonakos

Abstract. The main objective of this work is to determine the parameters of hydrological balance for several basins in the prefecture of Korinthia (SE Greece), using hydrometeorological data and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Multiple linear regression and GIS were used to estimate the spatial distribution of rainfall. The largest precipitation amounts occur in the SW part of the region and decrease towards the eastern and northern coastal parts. The long term mean annual rainfall is 1.39×109 m3. Based on the Thornthwaite method, infiltration and streamflow were estimated to be 0.29×109 m3/yr and 0.38×109 m3/yr, respectively. The unequal distribution of rainfall results in water surplus in the western part of Korinthia prefecture and water deficit in the eastern. We conclude that he estimation of hydrologic balance is a useful tool in order to establish sustainable water resources management in each hydrological basin.