Articles | Volume 13
12 Apr 2016
 | 12 Apr 2016

On the correlation of spatial wind speed and solar irradiance variability above the North Sea

Anna Rieke Mehrens and Lueder von Bremen

Abstract. Mesoscale wind fluctuations on a time scale of tens of minutes to several hours lead to high wind power fluctuations. Enhanced mesoscale wind variability emerges during cold air outbreaks and resulting cellular convection. The study investigates spatial wind and solar variability and their correlation during cellular convection. Cellular convection leads to simultaneous high solar and wind variability, but the highest solar or wind variability occurs due to other meteorological phenomena.

Short summary
Mesoscale wind fluctuations lead to high wind fluctuations. Enhanced mesoscale wind variability emerges during cold air outbreaks and resulting convection. If these fluctuation occurs during cellular convection, the question arises if it is possible to estimate the spatial variability of the wind by the solar irradiance variability? Cellular convection leads to simultaneous high solar and wind variability, but the highest solar or wind variability occurs due to other meteorological phenomena.