Articles | Volume 14
12 Jul 2017
 | 12 Jul 2017

Intense sea-effect snowfall case on the western coast of Finland

Taru Olsson, Tuuli Perttula, Kirsti Jylhä, and Anna Luomaranta

Video supplement

Video animation of radar reflectivity images during the Merikarvia sea-effect event at 10 minute intervals FMI

Short summary
A new national daily snowfall record was measured in Finland in January 2016 when it snowed 73 cm in less than a day at a small town on the western coast of Finland. The area of the most intense snowfall was very small, which is common in convective precipitation. In this work we used hourly weather radar images to identify the sea-effect snowfall case and found that a weather prediction model worked quite well in simulating the snowbands.