Articles | Volume 15
31 Aug 2018
 | 31 Aug 2018

Comparing climate change indices between a northern (arid) and a southern (humid) basin in Mexico during the last decades

Martín José Montero-Martínez, Julio Sergio Santana-Sepúlveda, Naydú Isabel Pérez-Ortiz, Óscar Pita-Díaz, and Salvador Castillo-Liñan


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Short summary
This study provides a comparison between several climate change indices trends of two very different basins in Mexico, one located in the northern arid region (the Conchos River basin) and the other in the southern humid area (the Usumacinta River basin). A clear warming signal was found for the two basins in addition to an increment in the diurnal temperature range, in agreement with other studies in Mexico. Also, the Conchos basin was found to be more humid and the Usumacinta drier.