Articles | Volume 17
24 Mar 2020
 | 24 Mar 2020

Moisture sources and synoptic conditions of summer precipitation in the glacial zone of the East Sayan Range

Eduard Y. Osipov and Olga P. Osipova

Data sets

Fluctuations in the circulation of the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere in the 20th–early 21st centuries, Daily calendar of sequential change of ECMs N. K. Kononova

Description of the data set of daily air temperature and precipitation at the meteorological stations of Russia and former USSR O. N. Bulygina, V. N. Razuvaev, and T. M. Aleksandrova

Short summary
In our study, we present the new precipitation record directly obtained on a high mountain glacier in East Siberia (East Sayan Range) during summer periods of 2015–2017 using automatic weather station. We compared the record with weather stations and reanalysis data and quantified their accuracy. We analyzed the relationship between the record and the processes of atmospheric circulation and classified the processes affecting the precipitation, and defined the source of the atmospheric moisture.