Articles | Volume 17
14 Jul 2020
 | 14 Jul 2020

Performance of CAMS Radiation Service and HelioClim-3 databases of solar radiation at surface: evaluating the spatial variation in Germany

Mathilde Marchand, Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan, Laurent Saboret, Etienne Wey, and Lucien Wald

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Adv. Sci. Res., 16, 103–111,,, 2019
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Comparison of several satellite-derived databases of surface solar radiation against ground measurement in Morocco
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Adv. Sci. Res., 14, 7–15,,, 2017
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Cited articles

Abdel Wahab, M., El-Metwally, M., Hassan, R., Lefèvre, M., Oumbe, A., and Wald, L.: Assessing surface solar irradiance in Northern Africa desert climate and its long-term variations from Meteosat images, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 31, 261–280, 2009. 
Ameen, B., Balzter, H., Jarvis, C., Wey, E., Thomas, C., and Marchand, M.: Validation of hourly global horizontal irradiance for two satellite-derived datasets in Northeast Iraq, Remote Sens.-Basel, 10, 1651,, 2018. 
Amillo, A. G., Huld, T., and Müller, R.: A new database of global and direct solar radiation using the Eastern Meteosat satellite, models and validation, Remote Sens.-Basel, 6, 8165–8189,, 2014. 
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Short summary
The present work deals with the spatial consistency of two well-known databases of solar radiation received at ground level: the CAMS Radiation Service database version 3.2, abbreviated as CAMS-Rad and the HelioClim-3 database version 5, abbreviated as HC3v5. Both databases are derived from satellite images. For both databases, there is no noticeable spatial trend in the standard deviation.