Articles | Volume 20
10 Jul 2023
 | 10 Jul 2023

Investigation of the ENVI-met model sensitivity to different wind direction forcing data in a heterogeneous urban environment

Nils Eingrüber, Wolfgang Korres, Ulrich Löhnert, and Karl Schneider

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Cited articles

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Cortes, A., Rejuso, A. J., Santos, J. A., and Blanco, A.: Evaluating mitigation strategies for urban heat island in Mandaue City using ENVI-met, Journal of Urban Management, 11, 97–106,, 2022. 
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Eingrüber, N. and Korres, W.: Climate change simulation and trend analysis of extreme precipitation and floods in the mesoscale Rur catchment in western Germany until 2099 using Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) and the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT model), Sci. Total Environ., 838, 155775,, 2022. 
Short summary
Sensitivity analyses for wind direction effects upon an ENVI-met microclimate model were performed for a heterogeneous urban study area. Significant temperature differences were found when forcing the model with constant N/E/S/W wind direction data. Best model performance was observed using measured wind direction forcing data. The results demonstrate that cooling effects of park areas are largely directional which is important for urban planning and design of climate change adaptation measures.