Study of NWP parameterizations on extreme precipitation events over Basque Country
Iván R. Gelpi
Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Einstein 44 Ed. 6 Of. 303, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
TECNALIA, Meteorology Area, Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Albert Einstein 28, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
Santiago Gaztelumendi
Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Einstein 44 Ed. 6 Of. 303, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
TECNALIA, Meteorology Area, Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Albert Einstein 28, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
Sheila Carreño
Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Einstein 44 Ed. 6 Of. 303, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
TECNALIA, Meteorology Area, Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Albert Einstein 28, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
Roberto Hernández
Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Einstein 44 Ed. 6 Of. 303, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
TECNALIA, Meteorology Area, Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Albert Einstein 28, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
Joseba Egaña
Basque Meteorology Agency (EUSKALMET), Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Einstein 44 Ed. 6 Of. 303, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
TECNALIA, Meteorology Area, Parque tecnológico de Álava, Avda. Albert Einstein 28, 01510 Miñano, Álava, Spain
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Maialen Martija-Díez, Roberto Hernández, José Daniel Gómez de Segura, and Santiago Gaztelumendi
Adv. Sci. Res., 21, 49–61,,, 2024
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This paper explores the projected changes on wind, relative humidity and solar radiation in future scenarios for the Basque Country. This work is part of the UrbanKlima2050 initiative and aims to provide a more comprehensive characterization of future climate change impacts in the region, and thus, improve the resiliency of the territory. The main results show a decrease in both wind and relative humidity by the end of this century, while solar radiation tends to increase.
Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, Miriam Ruiz, and Eguzkiñe Iturrioz
Adv. Sci. Res., 21, 41–48,,, 2024
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We presents the Basque Country Impact Weather Catalogue, recording detailed information on adverse weather events and their environmental impacts. It includes context, hazard/risk, and impact sections, utilizing data from Euskalmet, Emergency, Media, Insurance, etc. Standardized information enables qualitative and quantitative analysis feasibility for events spanning the 21st century. The paper details catalogue design, structure, and implementation steps.
Santiago Gaztelumendi, Joseba Egaña, and Kepa Otxoa de Alda
Adv. Sci. Res., 21, 27–39,,, 2024
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This study examines floods in the Basque Autonomous Community from 2000 to 2021, assessing damages, weather conditions, and other factors. It uses data from the Spanish Insurance Compensation Consortium and the AWS network, analyzing diverse datasets to extract indicators. Visual analytics are used for analysis and characterization.
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Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 3221–3240,,, 2020
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A new diagram for the verification of vector variables (wind, current, etc.) generated by multiple models against a set of observations is presented in this package. It has been designed as a generalization of the Taylor diagram for two-dimensional quantities. It is based on the analysis of the two-dimensional structure of the mean squared error matrix between model and observations, and it allows for an easy assessment of both bias and directional errors as well.
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