Articles | Volume 15
13 Feb 2018
 | 13 Feb 2018

Applications of a shadow camera system for energy meteorology

Pascal Kuhn, Stefan Wilbert, Christoph Prahl, Dominik Garsche, David Schüler, Thomas Haase, Lourdes Ramirez, Luis Zarzalejo, Angela Meyer, Philippe Blanc, and Robert Pitz-Paal


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Short summary
Downward-facing shadow cameras might play a major role in future energy meteorology. Shadow cameras image shadows directly on the ground from an elevated position. They are used to validate other systems (e.g. all-sky imager based nowcasting systems, cloud speed sensors or satellite forecasts) and can potentially provide short term forecasts for solar power plants. Such forecasts are needed for electricity grids with high penetrations of renewable energy and solar power plants.