Articles | Volume 16
08 Aug 2019
 | 08 Aug 2019

Climate monitoring and heat and cold waves detection over France using a new spatialization of daily temperature extremes from 1947 to present

François Besson, Brigitte Dubuisson, Pierre Etchevers, Anne-Laure Gibelin, Pierre Lassegues, Michel Schneider, and Béatrice Vincendon

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Cited articles

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Gibelin, A. L., Dubuisson, B., Corre, L., Deaux, N., Jourdain, S., Laval, L., Piquemal, J. M., Mestre, O., Dennetière, D., Desmidt, S., and Tamburini, A.: Évolution de la température en France depuis les années 1950, La Météorologie, 87, 45–53, 2014. 
Short summary
A spatialization of extreme daily temperatures (called ANASTASIA) had been produced on a 1 km regular grid over France. The production covers 1947 to present period. Validation shows good quality after the 1960s and temporal homogeneity at national scale from the 1970s. The ANASTASIA production is useful for temperature real-time monitoring and detection of heat and cold wave episodes over France.