Articles | Volume 16
21 May 2019
 | 21 May 2019

Status and progress in global lake database developments

Olga Toptunova, Margarita Choulga, and Ekaterina Kurzeneva

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Cited articles

Bastviken, D., Tranvik, L. J., Downing, J. A., Crill, P. M., and Enrich-Prast, A.: Freshwater methane emissions offset the continental carbon sink, Science, 331, 50 pp.,, 2011. 
Champeaux, J.-L., Han, K.-S., Arcos, D., Habets, F., and Masson, V.: Ecoclimap2: a new approach at global and European scale for ecosystems mapping and associated surface parameters database using SPOT/VEGETATION data – First Results, Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., 3, 2046–2049, 2004. 
Choulga, M., Kourzeneva, E., Zakharova, E., and Doganovsky, A.: Estimation of the mean depth of boreal lakes for use in numerical weather prediction and climate modelling, Tellus A, 66, 21295,, 2014. 
Eerola, K., Rontu, L., Kourzeneva, E., Kheyrollah Pour, H., and Duguay, C.: Impact of partly ice-free Lake Ladoga on temperature and cloudiness in an anticyclonic winter situation-a case study using a limited area model, Tellus A, 66, 23929,, 2014. 
GLDB: dataset and technical documentation, available at:, last access: May 2019.  
Short summary
Lakes affect local weather and climate. This influence should be taken into account in NWP models through parameterization. For the atmospheric simulation, global coverage of lake depth data is essential. To provide such data Global Lake Database (GLDB) has been created. More than 3 thousand in-situ lake depths all over the globe have been added. However over 83 % of newly added data have not been found on global ecosystem map ECOCLIMAP2.