Articles | Volume 17
18 Jun 2020
 | 18 Jun 2020

Statistics of sea-effect snowfall along the Finnish coastline based on regional climate model data

Taru Olsson, Anna Luomaranta, Kirsti Jylhä, Julia Jeworrek, Tuuli Perttula, Christian Dieterich, Lichuan Wu, Anna Rutgersson, and Antti Mäkelä

Data sets

FMIClimGrid J. Aalto, P. Pirinen, and K. Jylhä

Open Data Finnish Meteorological Institute

Sea-effect snowfall in Finland T. Olsson, A. Luomaranta, K. Jylhä, J. Jeworrek, T. Perttula, C. Dieterich, L. Wu, A. Rutgersson, and A. Mäkelä

Short summary
Statistics of the frequency and intensity of snow bands affecting the Finnish coast during years 2000–2010 was conducted. A set of criteria for meteorological variables favoring the formation of the snow bands were applied to regional climate model (RCA4) data. We found on average three days per year with favorable conditions for coastal sea-effect snowfall. The heaviest convective snowfall events were detected most frequently over the southern coastline.