Articles | Volume 16
27 Mar 2019
 | 27 Mar 2019

Communicating the amount of windstorm induced forest damage by the maximum wind gust speed in Finland

Hannu Valta, Ilari Lehtonen, Terhi K. Laurila, Ari Venäläinen, Mikko Laapas, and Hilppa Gregow

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Cited articles

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Gregow, H., Venäläinen, A. Laine, M., Niinimäki, N., Seitola, T., Tuomenvirta, H., Jylhä, K. Tuomi, T., and Mäkelä, A.: Vaaraa aiheuttavista sääilmiöistä Suomen muuttuvassa ilmastossa (Danger-causing weather phenomena in changing Finnish climate), Reports 2008:3, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, 99 pp., 2008. 
Short summary
A comparison of forest damage with windstorm intensity in Finland suggests that the volume of forest damage follows approximately a power relation as a function of wind gust speed with a power of ~10. This tentative estimate holds for typical windstorms having mainly westerly winds and affecting large areas in southern and central parts of Finland. The estimate can be utilized when preparing impact-based predictions of windstorms.